The question really is “why not?”
Over the last couple of years, I have really enjoyed reading other blogger’s content and being able to relate to some of their experiences is really refreshing.
This made me realise that there are a lot of things in everyday life (from knowing one’s self, general health, forming relationships, choosing a career to raising children) that we generally experience which some of us are fortunate enough to be shown the way and the rest of us are expected to just figure out as we go through adulting.
Sharing a range of experiences (good or bad) and information through engaging discussions/ stories/ ideas that fuels the soul and at the same time providing a solution can be really comforting and helpful to those that need it when looking for it.
So, I would like to use my corner to offer the same experience to others through writing which I love to do.
“Writing is how I find out what I believe and what I care most deeply about. It’s how I sort through the mess of daily experience and try to make sense of it – by stepping out of it for a while. Writing is how I train a searchlight into the darker corners of myself and the world, as I’m sure I’d never do otherwise”. Pico Iyer
You don’t have to be an expert of a particular topic/ subject for someone to learn from you, most times experience alone is enough.
Why not share your experience(s) through Yem’s Corner (if you do not have the platform to) so that someone can be comforted in knowing they are not alone in their winnings or challenges (however big or small).